Race Conditions

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๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ผ Networks are unpredictable. Let's imagine the user clicks around a lot and that triggers several network requests:
*click* ------ request --------> update ui
  *click* ------ request --------> update ui
    *click* ------ request --------> update ui
That works nicely. But sometimes the requests come back in a different order for whatever reason (network latency, server load, etc):
*click* --------- request ----------> update ui
  *click* ---- request ------> update ui
    *click* ----- request -------> update ui
This would be a pretty bad user experience because the UI would be updating in a different order than the user clicked.
What would be better is if we avoid updating the UI if there's a newer request going out.
This is easier than you might think:
const latestNav = useRef(null)

// when we start a navigation:
const thisNav = Symbol()
latestNav.current = thisNav

// when we're ready to update the UI:
if (latestNav.current === thisNav) {
	// update the UI
That way any navigation that comes back out of order will be ignored.
๐Ÿงโ€โ™‚๏ธ I've added a bit of code in to allow you to simulate a race condition. Do a search for "star" and you'll notice after two seconds, the URL gets updated to "?search=st" because we have a delay for that search term. When you're finished, this should not happen.
Go ahead and make that magic happen!
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