Client Router

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πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό In our file, we have our search form and the list of results which have links. The form and the list of results technically all works, but triggers full page refreshes which we'd love to avoid. Now that we have client components, we've made this a client module with 'use client' so we can use things like event handlers to prevent the default behavior and update the UI without a full page refresh.
πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ I created which is just a couple utilities and a context for managing the state in a router along with a useRouter() hook for accessing the context. You'll use these utilities to navigate the user to the next destination as the user searches and selects ships.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Great, thank you Kellie! So what we need you to do is update our to render the RouterContext with the right values (you'll be implementing the navigate function) and then update the module to use the useRouter() hook to navigate the user to the ship details page when they click on a ship link.
πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ Here's a tip on the mergeLocationState utility you're going to need:
import { mergeLocationState } from './router.js'

const location = '/abc123?search=starship'

const updatedSearch = mergeLocationState(location, { search: 'rocket' })
// ^ '/abc123?search=rocket'

const updatedShipId = mergeLocationState(location, { shipId: 'zxy987' })
// ^ '/zxy987?search=starship'
Once you have the updated location, you can pass that to the navigate function you're gonna write.
Another tip, you're going to be using the window.history API to update the URL in the browser without triggering a full-page reload. You'll want to use the pushState method when the user selects a ship and replaceState when the user types in the search. Feel free to read the docs to dive into the differences between those, but this means your navigate function will need to accept an option to determine if it should push or replace the state.
Good luck!